CALL US: 07903 069621

Company Policies
Cancellations or missed appointments.
We appreciate that occasionally appointments have to be cancelled due to an emergency but we do ask that you give at least 24 hrs notice whenever possible prior to cancellation so we may offer the slot to a client on the waiting list. We will always try to accommodate your dog and reschedule wherever possible.
If an appointment is missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, we will require full payment. May we also politely request that you arrive on time for your appointment and that your dog is walked and toileted beforehand.
Late Policy
As we are very busy, if you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment it does have a knock on effect for the rest of the appointments during the day. If this is the case, unfortunately we will have to re-schedule and your appointment will be classed as 'missed' meaning we will require full payment.
If your dog comes to us with fleas or if we find them on your dog during their groom, the groom will be stopped and we will ask you to collect them immediately. Full Payment will be required due to the missed appointment and £20 will be added onto the cost to cover our mandatory flea bath that will be carried out. We will let you know our availability for you to rebook.
Regular Grooming Schedule.
We recommend our clients to be on regular grooming schedules depending on their coat type and condition eg, we recommend Poodle crosses to go no longer than 4-6 weeks between grooms. This is because their coats can matt easily and need regular maintenance. We will personally asses your dog's coat and let you know the time we advise to book between grooms.
If you do not wish to follow our recommended schedule a fee of up to £20 will be added onto the groom. This is because the groom will take more time and require extra work.
Many thanks!
Your SK-9 Spa Grooming Team